Welcome to SELS

Singapore Emergency Lighting Solutions (SELS) Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore-incorporated manufacturer specialising in Emergency Lighting solutions

SELS manufactures Emergency Lighting products that are highly reliable and provides responsive job-site technical support to ensure that our customers' Emergency Lighting infrastructure remains consistently reliable.


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With ZigBee Light Link, previously endorsed by TCLA, being merged in to the new ZigBee 3.0 standard, the TCLA member companies studied and evaluated the new proposition. The conclusion was that ZigBee 3.0 exceeds the benefits of ZigBee Light Link and that therefore the new ZigBee 3.0 better meets the requirements of the lighting industry in the residential market.

‘ZigBee 3.0 simplifies the choice for the lighting industry and consumers, because it enhances interoperability between connected lamps and controls from different suppliers, providing a single solution for smart lighting in the home.’ said Frank van Tuijl, Secretary General of The Connected Lighting Alliance.

“The ZigBee Alliance and The Connected Lighting Alliance have worked closely for many years to bring product interoperability to the residential connected lighting marketplace,” said Tobin Richardson, President and CEO of the ZigBee Alliance. “We are very excited to now be taking the next step together in support of ZigBee 3.0, our latest interoperable ecosystem which brings together all previous standalone ecosystems into a single solution. ZigBee 3.0 delivers the confidence that consumers gain from standardizing at all layers of the network.”

The ZigBee 3.0 standard, now endorsed by The Connected Lighting Alliance, will encourage the development of robust, interoperable wireless lighting systems. TCLA will continue with its work to further enhance and promote the interoperability of lighting solutions.

The Connected Lighting Alliance is the primary advocate of wireless connectivity in lighting applications. We are comprised of 37 members, which include the leading lighting companies worldwide. Our mission is to promote the global adoption and growth of wireless lighting solutions by supporting open standards.

For more information, please visit www.theconnectedlightingalliance.org 
For more information about ZigBee 3.0 please visit 

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